Maximilian Mendel

Maximilian Mendel has over 18 years of experience in the real estate sector, especially in investor relations, transactions, asset management, property development, leasing and operations, advisory and research. He was Managing Director of ZEITGEIST Asset Management, managing the Polish branch and all related SPVs. Prior to this, he was Senior Director and Head of Living […]
Mounia Tagma

Mounia Tagma is a housing policy consultant whose work focuses on affordable housing issues in MENA and African countries. She currently works on housing projects for the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation in MENA and Africa on a broad range of housing-related topics including housing finance instruments and products, housing ecosystems conducive to […]
Magdalena Dul-Komosińska

Magdalena Dul-Komosińska jest prezeską fundacji Habitat for Humanity Poland. Jest ekspertem w zakresie rozwoju organizacji pozarządowych. Pełniła funkcję dyrektora, prezesa zarządu, członka organów zarządzających na poziomie krajowym, regionalnym i globalnym w międzynarodowych NGOsach. Jej pasją jest zwiększanie skuteczności działania organizacji i efektywności w osiąganiu ich celów. Ma doświadczenie w budowaniu strategii, które prowadzą do sukcesu […]
Maria Vassilakou

Maria Vassilakou is an experienced, inspiring urban leader devoted to open, inclusive, and green cities. She is passionate about urban transformation processes that lead to sustainable system change. She served as Vienna’s Vice Mayor responsible for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection, Energy and Public Participation from November 2010 to July 2019. Maria Vassilakou […]
Serhii Komnatnyi

Serhii Komnatnyi has played an integral role in the working groups of the Ministry of Restoration of Ukraine, focusing on reforming Ukraine’s housing legislation. This involved collaborating with government officials and industry experts to develop and refine policies that shape the future of housing in Ukraine. Since 2019, he has served as the Honorary President […]
Inna Sarapina

Inna Sarapina has a Master’s degree in Public Administration and Management and Regional Development Management from the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Since 1999, she has been working in the civil service system in various positions – State Inspectorate for Price Control in Kyiv Region (organisational and analytical work); National […]
Anna Pashynska

Anna Pashynska is a co-founder and curator of the Urban Laboratory “MetaLab,” the community-led housing project “Co-Haty,” and the makerspace “Póle” in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. She leads a wide range of projects, specialising in spatial research and design, product design, community-led public space projects, and institutional planning. The Co-Haty project aims to facilitate a socially just […]
Rutger Broer

Rutger Broer is a Project Manager at the Building Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) and works for the Berlin Office. The focus themes of his work are the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), building renovation passports, whole-life carbon, and energy poverty. Before joining BPIE in 2020, Rutger finished his degree in Industrial Ecology at Leiden […]
Joanna Mazurkiewicz

Joanna Mazurkiewicz is an economist at the Institute for Structural Research, specializing in the economic and social effects of energy transition. Her research focuses on addressing energy poverty and social inequalities within energy transitions. Her recent projects emphasized the gender dimension of energy poverty in Poland, and the socio-economic impacts of coal phase-outs in carbon-intensive […]
Justyna Glusman

Managing Director of Association Renovation Wave Poland, promoting energy efficiency improvements in the building sector. Previously, Sustainable Development Head Coordinator at the Warsaw City Hall. She graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics with an MA and an LSE, where she obtained a PhD in the political economy of European integration as well as an […]
Ellen Hamilton

Ellen Hamilton is a Lead Urban Specialist for the Urban, Resilience and Land Global Practice – Europe and Central Asia Region of the World Bank. Ellen is a global expert and thought leader with twenty five years experience leading analytical work and projects focusing on sustainable urban development, covering topics such as: affordable land/ housing supply […]
Gábor Daróczi

Mr. Gábor Daróczi is an expert in the fields of education, energy poverty, capacity building, anti-corruption, and Roma-related issues. He began his career at the Hungarian Soros Foundation, where he focused on working with youths, environment protection, and Roma programs. From 2000, he worked for various departments within different Hungarian governments, including the Ministry of […]