Edit Lakatos

Edit Lakatos is a Policy Officer at Housing Europe. Her field of expertise is the impact analysis and monitoring of European public policies related to the social housing sector. She also advises on EU funding and bank loan opportunities.  She manages the Housing Finance Working Group, whose predecessor, the Working Group on Housing Systems in […]

Imogen Sykes

Imogen Sykes is an accomplished Operations Lead at People Powered Retrofit, specialising in operations development, human resources, and process improvement. With a background in investment banking and a passion for environmental sustainability stemming from her MSc in environmental sustainability, Imogen transitioned into the retrofit sector in January 2022.  Previously, Imogen served as a Director of […]

Besim Nebiu

Besim Nebiu is the Director for Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States at Habitat for Humanity. He has over 20 years of career in non-profit management, civil society development, democratization, media freedoms and international development. Based out of Habitat’s EMEA Area Office in Bratislava for many years, Besim has led HFHI’s work […]

Julie Lawson

Dr Julie Lawson is Honorary Associate Professor with the Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University (Australia, based in Europe 2023) and a leading international housing researcher. She is the principal author of the comprehensive study #Housing2030, which examines a range of policy tools and best practices to promote affordable, low-carbon and energy-efficient housing. Julie has […]

Monika Korowajczyk – Sujkowska

A humanitarian aid worker with 10 years of experience in the sector as a manager, and project coordinator. She graduated in political science from the University of Warsaw and then MBA in 2021, associated with the Polish Humanitarian Action for 11 years in different missions: South Sudan, Somalia, Palestine, Iraq, Ukraine, and Syria. Since 2022 […]

Georgi Plamenov Iliev

Slatina region is one of the twenty-four administrative regions of Sofia Municipality. The region covers an area of 1325 hectares and, as of June 15 2023, has 73,552 permanent residents. The mayor of Slatina region is Mr. Georgi Iliev, a Bulgarian politician and entrepreneur, a member of the National Council and the Executive Council of […]

Krzysztof Mrozek

Krzysztof joined Bankwatch in 2021. He is a democracy, participation and human rights enthusiast. After seven years of advocating for democracy at one of Poland’s largest NGOs, he spent almost two years in public administration. 

Kata Kárász

Kata Kárász is a researcher of economic and social inclusion, and the founder and lead analyst at Diversitas Centre consultancy firm based in Hungary. In her current role as a Program Manager at the Foundation for Global Human Dignity in Malta, she leads a variety of programs aimed at improving educational opportunities for the youth […]

Anna Kolasińska

Anna Kolasińska, Kierowniczka Programów Mieszkaniowych Śląsk W Fundacji Habitat for Humanity Poland, koordynatorka Centrum Pomocy Ukrainie w Gliwicach oraz członek miejskiego sztabu kryzysowego w 2022, koordynator wizyt studyjnych i ekspert w programie Study Tours to Poland finansowanego przez Polsko-Amerykańską Fundację Wolności 2005-2024 realizowanego  przez Fundację Liderzy Przemian, Fundację Borussia, Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. J. Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego), […]

Dr Alina Muzioł-Węcławowicz

Graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, PhD in geographical sciences. She specializes in issues of housing economy and policy, in particular the social housing sector and revitalization and local development. She has worked, among others, at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences, at the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, […]

Adam Czerniak

Adam Czerniak jest profesorem Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie, gdzie kieruje Zakładu Ekonomii Instytucjonalnej i Politycznej. Ponadto pełni funkcję dyrektora ds. badań w centrum analitycznym Polityka Insight, w ramach którego przygotowuje ekspertyzy i raporty komercyjne dla biznesu oraz administracji publicznej. Do 2012 r. pracował jako ekonomista bankowy, wcześniej współpracował z Bankiem Światowym oraz Fundacją FOR, […]

Mykola Ilinov

Mr. Mykola Ilinov was educated in the specialty ‘Information Systems in Management’ and received the qualification ‘System Analyst Manager’ at the East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl in 1998.  In 2000 he graduated from the Regional Institute of Management with a degree in Finance and received the qualification of ’Economist’.  He has more […]