Mr. Gábor Daróczi is an expert in the fields of education, energy poverty, capacity building, anti-corruption, and Roma-related issues. He began his career at the Hungarian Soros Foundation, where he focused on working with youths, environment protection, and Roma programs. From 2000, he worked for various departments within different Hungarian governments, including the Ministry of Health, the Office of the Prime Minister, and the National Development Agency. During his tenure at the Ministry of Education, he served for two years as the ministerial commissioner responsible for the integration of Roma and disadvantaged children.

Later, at the Open Society Institute, he contributed to narrowing the educational gap between Roma children and those belonging to the majority in Hungary. He spent several years at different NGOs, where he supported the development of Roma university students as the director of the Romaversitas Foundation; fought against school discrimination as head of the board at the Chance for Children Foundation; and aided those living in energy poverty as the initiator of the Lightbringer Foundation.

For several years, he worked for various EU bodies—such as the DG Justice, the European Parliament, and the European Economic and Social Committee—as an independent expert and advisor. In 2018, he moved to Malta, where he later became the executive director of the Foundation for Global Human Dignity. This NGO implements training courses for multiple disadvantaged, refugee, and Roma children across Europe to learn digital literacy, computer coding, and robotics.