What implications does the Fit for 55 package have for Central and Eastern Europe region?

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Ambitious goals set out by European Union, including (i) climate target of at least 55% reduction in net emissions of greenhouse gases compared to 1990 levels by 2030 and (ii) an objective to reach climate neutrality by 2050, impact EU legislation.

To implement the increased ambition, on 14 July 2021 the Commission presented the first series of adopted files under the ‘Fit for 55’ package. The main initiatives, connected to buildings are:

  • Revision of Energy Efficiency Directive and Renewable Energy Directive – to make buildings more energy efficient and boost the use of renewable energy in buildings;
  • New Emissions Trading System (ETS) for road transport and buildings – to speed up emissions reductions and stimulate investments in renewables and energy efficiency;
  • The new Social Climate Fund, funded by revenues from emissions trading in road transport and
  • buildings, will provide financial support to citizens, in particular the vulnerable households, to invest in renovation or heating systems and ensure a fair transition;
  • Revision of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – to address both the climate and social challenges of the buildings sector
  • With several Directives related to housing sector being under revisions, it is worth discussing how national legislations will respond and what are expected implications for policies, support programs and plans as well as people.

Moderator: Assya Dobrudjalieva – Project Manager at Habitat for Humanity Bulgaria


  • Dragomir Tsanev – Executive Director of EnEffect Energy Efficiency Center, Bulgaria
  • Piotr Grzelak – Mayor of the City of Gdańsk, Poland
  • Alexa Botár – Climate-energy program coordinator, Friends of the Earth, Hungary
  • Frosina Antonovska – Legal advisor, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia

Interested in learning more? Watch other sessions here.