Marek Hojsik is policy officer at the Central European University’s Democracy Institute (Budapest) where, since 2018, he has led the EC-funded initiative “Roma Civil Monitor”, implemented in 27 member states and involving more than 100 civil society organisations and activists. Marek is also coordinating an international project research project “New methods in data collection on discrimination against Roma in public services”.

Marek has more than 15 years of professional experience in Roma inclusion and social integration policies in diverse non-governmental organisations and public administration institutions in Slovakia and Czechia. He worked for EC as expert on social inclusion, desegregation and EU Funds; in this capacity he co-authored an EC’s “Guidance for Member States on the use of European Structural and Investment Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation” and assisted EC and member states in its implementation. Between 2010 to 2012 he was Director General of the Social Development Fund (FSR), Slovak governmental agency for social inclusion and ESF implementation. Previously, he worked for the Slovak Government’s office for Roma as expert. Between 2008 and 2016 he participated in design and implementation of the Open Society Institute’s programme “Making the Most EU Funds for Roma” in Slovakia and Czechia.

Marek is engaged in applied public policy research focused on social inclusion, social housing, de/segregation and EU Funds. He has participated in different monitoring and evaluation tasks related to the Roma inclusion policy. Currently he is PhD candidate at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development of the Faculty of Science, Charles University (Prague) and his research concerns the residential segregation.