Manuel Pizarro is Member of the European Parliament. He is Doctor of Internal Medicine, and was High Commissioner of the Portuguese Health Convention and City Councillor at the Municipality of Porto. As City Councillor, he was responsible for Housing and Social Action in Porto from 2013 to 2017.

From 2008 to 2011 he held the position of Secretary of State for Health, having been responsible for the reform of primary healthcare and for the creation of Portugal’s public umbilical cord cells bank. He was also responsible for the widening of dental care and for the realization of the new Maternity Hospital of the North of Portugal.

As a Member of the Portuguese Parliament (2005 – 2013), he sat on the Parliamentary Commission of Health and played a prominent role in the approval of the Medically Assisted Procreation Law and of the legal framework on organ transplantation.

As a Member of the European Parliament (since 2019), he sits in the Committee of Employment and Social Affairs and in the Committee on Fisheries, as full member, and in the Committee of Culture and Education and on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, as substitute member.