Dr. Habil. in Urban, Spatial and Environmental Planning ICAR/21, she works on social exclusion and cities, analysing multiscalar public in Europe, with a focus on housing and migration. She has worked as a researcher at Unifi (IT), MIT (USA), Bauhaus University (DE), IRS Leibnitz Berlin/Erkner (DE) and as an urban policy expert in Europe since 2004 for EU COM DG regio, URBACT, UIA-Urban Innovative Action and for UAEU-European Urban Agenda (in the multistakeholder partnerships Urban Poverty, Affordable Housing, Inclusion of migrants and refugees, Culture and cultural heritage), government agencies and national and international organisations (EU JRC, Housing Europe, AEIDL, IUT, ANCI et al).

Co-founder of Tesserae Urban Social Research (DE), MiMetis SRL Research and Migration (IT), activist with international NGOs on migration issues From Sea to the City, INURA member and ERHA jury member.

Currently, working at the H-City cluster (Housing in the City) and the Unesco SSIM Chair, IUAV (IT). Adjunct teacher at Lab´ URBA (FR) and IUAV (IT).