Co-founder and since 2014 president of the Polish National Federation for Solving the Problem of Homelessness; since 2011 representative of Poland in FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organizations Working with the Homeless) and since 2018 vice-president of this organization; since 2015 member of the Combating Homelessness Expert Committee of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman). Since 2005 professionally associated with the St. Brother Albert’s Aid Society in Zabrze and Wrocław, in 2007-2019 member of the General Board and then the National Council of the St. Brother Albert’s Aid Society. A leader of numerous projects aimed at supporting people in crisis in recovering from homelessness and reintegrating into society, as well as promoting the problem of homelessness and good practices in solving it; an animator of cooperation in the non-governmental environment and an advocate for homeless people rights. Focused and involved in solving homelessness on the national and European level through inspiring cooperation of all involved stakeholders, advocacy, legislative work, research, social communication and PR. Highly experienced in organising and facilitating inter-sectoral and transnational debate on ways to combat homelessness. Graduate of public administration (2010) and social assistance management (2019).