Master of Science in Engineering and Specialist in civil engineering; certified property manager, Grażyna Szotkowska is the President of Board at Szczecińskie TBS Spółka z o.o. (STBS) 1996 until present. In the 1990s, Grażyna Szotkowska contributed to the development of strategic policy papers promoting the development of Szczecin, including the “Local Housing Policy” and the “City Renovation Strategy”, documents which provided for innovative solutions and local governance mechanisms in the area of housing; implemented the Szczecin’s housing policy. The STBS became the first in Poland social housing society responsible for the management of the city’s housing stock and the comprehensive revitalization of historical buildings in the core city centre funded from the National Housing Fund. The STBS was the first in Poland to attract EU funding, still before Poland’s accession to the European Union (5th Framework Programme, innovation in energy efficiency and environmental protection). The revitalization of 1997-2008, which focused on the mid-town quarters at the Turzyn District of Szczecin, was extensively discussed in a number of publications and scientific conferences. In 2013, the STBS started another comprehensive revitalization of city quarter no. 23. This has been considered a model revitalization project that implements components of the local social policy. The project develops the first in Szczecin housing units designated for elderly people and encompasses medical and cultural services. It also includes supported housing for families in crisis, an incubator for adult youth from care institutions, as well as a day-care and support centre. The year of 2008 marked the beginning of projects that have developed “protected” housing for people in need (i.e. with mobile and intellectual disabilities, elderly people, children from homes, homeless mothers, and people threatened with social exclusion). A recent revitalization project has covered yet another quarters, which includes a nursery, supported housing for seniors, an outpatient clinic and a two-level underground garage. The project has been co-funded from the EIB.

The STBS has built over 4 thousand new units for rent with the funding provided by the City of Szczecin, the major shareholder to the company, and financial contributions by future tenants; the project developed outstanding architecture, since designing architects were selected through a competitive procedure.