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Boyan Zahariev is program director at the Open Society Institute in Sofia (OSI-Sofia) since 2007. He holds master degrees in South Asian studies and economics and a PhD in sociology with a focus on urban studies from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Boyan has more than 20 years of experience as an expert, project manager and researcher in the field of education and the social integration of vulnerable groups. In 2020-2021 OSI-Sofia implemented two research projects related to housing: one studies the housing conditions in Roma neighbourhoods and social housing unites in the poorest North-Western region of Bulgaria, the other focused on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in segregated Roma neighbourhoods in the context of the constraints arising from segregation and poor housing conditions. Currently on behalf of OSI-Sofia Boyan is participating in an international research project called Precarious Housing in Europe. Pushing for innovation in higher education (PusH).