Bogdan is an electrical engineer, PhD, having 30 years’ work experience on energy efficiency and renewable energy, with a particular focus on buildings. Bogdan is currently Senior Policy Officer at DG Energy, unit on buildings and products. He is involved in the buildings topics of the unit, notably on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive transposition and recast, Building Stock Observatory, modelling, data and statistics. Prior to this, he was involved in the setting up of the Energy Union framework and related monitoring process, also acting as a main statistician and data analyst at DG Energy, unit on market analysis and energy modelling. He has previous work experiences as Senior Expert and Head of Research at Buildings Performance Institute Europe (Brussels, Belgium), Senior Energy Expert at Institute for European Environment Policy (Brussels, Belgium), Senior Energy Efficiency Researcher at Renewable Energy Unit of the EC Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy) and Senior Researcher and Deputy Head of the New Energy Sources Department, Institute for Electrical Engineering (Bucharest, Romania).