Milena Damianova

Milena Damianova is coordinating the work on the Social Climate Fund in the unit for Implementation of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) and International Carbon Markets in the Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action. She participated in the drafting and in the negotiations on the Social Climate Fund and on the new ETS for buildings, road transport and small industry sectors as part of the legislative package implementing the European Green Deal. She has also worked on the implementation of the EU ETS as a coordinator for the auctioning of emissions allowances; and on the legal aspects of the EU ETS registry.

Within the European Commission she has a number of years’ experience in the Directorate-General for Enlargement on pre-accession process of Bulgaria in the area of judiciary and anti-corruption; in the Directorate-General for Communication as Political Reporter in the Representation of the Commission in Bulgaria, and in the external context – in the Delegation of the Commission to Russia, where she was responsible for matters related to independence of judiciary and human rights.  Previously, she worked for the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance within the pre-accession process. She is a lawyer and economist, married with one daughter.