Models to bring together stakeholders to scale up multi-apartment renovations in Central and Eastern Europe

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This panel discusses existing challenges and impediments to scaling up multi-apartment renovations in Central and Eastern Europe, and what are existing best practices, also globally, that can serve as inspiration in that regard, as well as to address policies and practices that can be used to ensure the engagement of homeowners in the renovation process.

Moderator: Gyorgy Sumeghy, Associate Director, Policy and Advocacy, Habitat for Humanity International


  • Zsuzsanna Koritár – Executive Director of MEHI (The Hungarian Energy Efficiency Institute)
  • Claudio Acioly – Housing and Urban Development Specialist
  • Irena Križ Šelendić – Head of Sector for Energy Efficiency in Buildings at Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, Croatia
  • Andrew Popelka – Senior Energy Advisor in the Europe & Eurasia Bureau of the USAID

Interested in learning more? Watch other sessions here.