Is housing the solution to homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe?

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There is strong evidence and expert consensus that rapid access to housing, with accompanying support services, is the best solution to homelessness.

Housing First and other housing-led models are being piloted in some Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries. However, they remain small-scale in most cases and the shelter sector is growing. This session looks at the state of play on Housing First and similar models in CEE and discuss the way forwards.

Co-organized by FEANTSA

Moderator: Ruth Owen – Deputy Director of FEANTSA


  • Štěpán Ripka – Executive Chairman / Platform for Social Housing
  • Jakub Wilczek – President of the Polish Federation for Resolving the Problem of Homelessness, vice-president, and representative of Poland in FEANTSA
  • Nóra Teller – MRI – Metropolitan Research Institute
  • Tomáš Dobrovič – Nota Bene, Slovakia