Central and Eastern Europe region – is it really that similar?

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With shared history baggage and analogous problems faced nowadays, Central and Eastern Europe region countries are often perceived as very similar. The aim of this session would be to analyse this assumption in the context of housing.

What is the role of central governments in tackling housing issues, are there national housing strategies and what is the main focus, what is the role of local authorities, what is the share of municipal housing of the housing stock, how has prioritizing ownership become so dominant? Are there any countries in the region that could be role models?

Moderator: Lili Vanko – Advocacy Manager, Habitat for Humanity Hungary


  • Mincho Benov – National director, Habitat for Humanity Bulgaria
  • Zsolt Szegfalv – National director, Habitat for Humanity Hungary
  • Magdalena Ruszkowska-Cieślak – National director, Habitat for Humanity Poland
  • Roberto Patrascoiu – National director, Habitat for Humanity Romania
  • Zoran Kostov – National director, Habitat for Humanity Macedonia

Interested in learning more? Watch other sessions here.