Breakout Session (45 minutes)
November 18 th – 2:30 pm CET
More Together: Cooperation between Europe and Africa towards housing
Global focus
Moderator: Maurice Makoloo – Senior Director – Africa Hub, Habitat for Humanity International
Samuel Mabala – Country Urban Adviser working with the Cities Alliance / UNOPS, based in the
Uganda Country Office
Jaime Royo-Olid – Urban Development, Sustainable Transport and Digitalisation Senior Officer
at the European Union Delegation to Kenya
Oumar Sylla – Director of the Regional Office for Africa at UN-Habitat
Paolo Ciccarelli – Head of Unit, Sustainable Transport and Urban Development, DG-INTPA,
European Commission
Description of the session: This panel proposes a profuse discussion between experts and
representatives of the European Union and the United Nations to jointly think of how to foster a strong
partnership between Africa and Europe towards housing, with the aim to mitigate informality and foster
innovation and sustainable growth.
Structure of Discussion
Introduction by Moderator: 5 mins
Four panellists: 20 mins
5 mins oral presentations by each panellist based on the following question:
• How to promote cooperation between Europe and African to mitigate informality and foster
innovation, job creation and sustainable growth?
Panel discussion (10 mins)
• What are the most relevant investments to be made in people, in particular in youth, to help
shape a strong partnership between Europe and Africa that can lead to better housing policies
and practices?
Round of Q&A opened to the attendees: 5 minutes
Closing Remarks by Moderator: 5 minutes
Total session time: 45 minutes